D2L-to-Microsoft Teams Site Integration

Your Microsoft Teams course site is a great place for students to collaboratively share content in a space that is owned by the course without requiring management of the space itself to be transferred to the users.

To create your Microsoft Teams Site Course please go to:

  • https://apps.d2l.msu.edu
  • Select D2L and Microsoft Teams Integration from the list
  • Click the "Request Team" button next to the course(s) you'd like Teams created for.

Note: Requests for Teams are processed nightly and teams will not be immediately available. Students can't access a course Team space until an instructor has first accessed it.

  • Once a Team has been created, users will be given access to the team site and informed that they need to activate it before students can access the space. To do so, please log into Microsoft teams and click “ACTIVATE” in the banner that appears above after entering your MSU Team Site Course Space.

D2L does not provide data as relates to assignments that will be or have been submitted to the course. It will not pass grade data. It will not pass user tracking data. It is not possible to collect this data from D2L and transfer it to Teams. The space will exist as a standalone instance of your course space. With the exception of its course offering code, this space has no connection to your D2L course space.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the MSU IT Service Desk at (517) 432-6200 or https://ithelp.msu.edu.