Add Kaltura MediaSpace Course Media Gallery Widget to a D2L Brightspace Course

Adding a Course Media Gallery Widget to Your Course

Navigate to the Course Admin toolbox.

Navbar showing Course Admin tab

• Select the Homepages link.

Homepages shown by category

There are two methods for adding a Course Media Gallery widget to your course homepage:

1. Changing your active homepage to the Kaltura MediaSpace Course Gallery Homepage.

• Click on the Active Homepage drop-down box and select Kaltura MediaSpace Course Gallery Homepage. This will replace your current homepage with one that has a Course Media Gallery by default.

Dropdown list showing KMC Homepage 

2. Adding the Course Media Gallery widget to your active homepage. If you have already created a customized homepage and wish to simply add the Course Media Gallery widget to that page, please refer to the following instructions:

• Select your custom homepage. 

Custom Homepage

• Scroll down until you reach your widgets. Click the Add Widgets button.

Add Widgets button

Select Course Media Gallery and then click the Add button.

Course Media Gallery selected

NOTE: You can click and drag widgets to rearrange them.

Click the Save and Close button to save your changes and return to the Homepages page.

Save and Close button

Once you navigate back to your homepage, you will see your Course Media Gallery widget in whatever position you placed it in.