iClicker Cloud is a cloud-based student response system (SRS) that has been integrated with D2L. iClicker Cloud allows instructors to:
The newly integrated SRS allows students to participate in-class from any computer or mobile (Android or Apple) device. Instructional videos detailing what iClicker Cloud is and how it can help instructors enhance classroom engagement can be found on the official iClicker YouTube channel.
Start by downloading the iClicker Cloud software. After you've downloaded and installed the software, create an iClicker Cloud account, or sign in if you've already created an account. After your account has been created, you can begin the process of creating your course in iClicker Cloud. Detailed instructions for this process, including an instructional video on how to create a course, can be found on the iClicker YouTube channel.
You can either have iClicker scores sent as a total, combined score in one grade item (with the name of iClicker Grade) or you can have individual scores sent as separate grade items to the Brightspace D2L gradebook (with the name of the session). Students with no responses can either receive a 0 automatically or no score in the Brightspace D2L gradebook.
Even if you choose no score for the second option, the scores can automatically become 0 if you select "Treat ungraded items as 0" in your D2L gradebook settings. Go to Assessments > Grades > Settings > Calculation Options.
NOTE: If you have sections in your D2L course, you will need to run separate sessions in iClicker for each section and manually edit the grade items in your D2L gradebook after syncing in order to avoid deflating students' grades. If you choose Do not receive a score in the Brightspace gradebook for the second option above, you run the risk of accidentally inflating some grades if the default "Exclude ungraded items" is selected in your D2L gradebook settings. More detailed instructions are on the Send iClicker Grades to D2L page.