WileyPLUS is an online teaching and learning environment that integrates the entire digital textbook with instructor and student resources to enhance both the teaching and learning experiences.

Some features of WileyPlus include:

  • Simplifying and automating tasks like creating assignments, scoring student work, and keeping grades
  • Enabling you to customize your classroom presentation with additional resources and functionality such as including PowerPoints, rich visuals, as well as materials of your own
  • Allowing you to identify students falling behind and intervene accordingly
  • Accessing the complete online version of your textbook with study resources 
  • Giving learners instant feedback and context-sensitive help on assignments
  • Tracking progress throughout the course from your personal online grade book.

How do I use WileyPlus?

See the WileyPLUS Integrated with D2L Onboarding Manual to help get you started with your WileyPLUS course.

Additional Resources