The D2L Course Scanner Tool is intended to give you a high-level view of what content is in your course. The scanner will produce a short report that will tell you what types of content (e.g. Word, PDF, Videos), and how much content is in your course. Identifying course content is a great first step toward making it more accessible.
MSU Information Technology offers a Course Accessibility Workplan Service that uses the Course Inventory Scanner to help produce a work plan for making your course more accessible. This work plan will guide you step-by-step to make your course more accessible. This is a free service offered by MSU IT, and is a great way to get started on making your course more accessible. For more information, see the Course Accessibility Workplace Service.
MSU Information Technology offers a Course Accessibility Workplan Service that uses the Course Inventory Scanner to help produce a work plan for making your course more accessible. This work plan will guide you step-by-step to make your course more accessible. This is a free service for faculty and instructors teaching credit courses in D2L.
Accessibility specialists will review courses using accessibility and universal design principles. The report and consultation will also identify and discuss assumptions that could be barriers to learning and help with simple changes.
Request a Consultation or Review
Check out the MSU Web Accessibility site for more information on content quick tips and tutorials.