Available Roles and Permissions

Role names are an identifier of a user's status. The status depends upon permissions given for one or more capabilities in a context.

  • Accessibility Editor - (This role must be activated and deactivated by the Help Desk.) Can edit all content, but has no access to student records of any kind. Cannot access Discussion Forums. Will be given to persons editing courses for accessibility compliance.
  • Assessment Grader - restricted to seeing and grading assignments for specific sections. No access to editing course content or gradebook. This access level would be reserved for teaching/graduate assistants or other course members who only grade assignments in specific sections. It does not allow for editing or access to content. This role is useful when multiple course sections are merged on one site.
  • Content Contributor - same as student role, but can add items to Content and Manage Files. Can perform student tasks such as take Quiz or Survey. Cannot Delete.
  • Content Editor – can edit, cannot do grades.
  • Course Administrator - edit and grades. This level has the full access rights and can also set the access rights for other course users below the Course Administrator level. Course Administrators have full editing rights within the course. This is the level that is typically assigned to the instructor of record.
  • Course Advisor - cannot edit. Can see student records, but not make changes.
  • Course Assistant – cannot edit, can do grades. This access level would be reserved for teaching/graduate assistants or other course members who need to be able to grade and/or take attendance. It does not allow for editing of content.
  • Course Ed w/o Delete - edit and grades, cannot delete (except in Gradebook). This level has the full access rights and can also set the access rights for other course users below the Course Editor level. Course Editors have full editing rights within the course. However, users in this role cannot delete items from the course. This is the level that is typically assigned to course support members.
  • Course Editor - edit and grades. This level has the full access rights and can also set the access rights for other course users below the Course Editor level. Course Editors have full editing rights within the course. This is the level that is typically assigned to course support members.
  • Demo Student - allows Course Administrators and Editors to mimic student role for development purposes.
  • Guest - can view course, but not student data. Can participate in course as guest lecturer and so on.
  • Member – student role – instructor can add.
  • Past Course Student - (This role must be activated and deactivated by the Help Desk.) Allows this student to access the course past the close date (as long as course is still active). Instructors still need to check any items/activities that are due or end-dated and change those. Changing the status of the course to "inactive" will also remove access to the course and remove the course from a student’s My Courses listings.
  • Section Assistant - restricted to seeing and assessing (grading) specific sections. Non-editing, can do grades. This access level would be reserved for teaching/graduate assistants or other course members who need to be able to grade and/or take attendance in specific sections. It does not allow for editing of content. This role is useful when multiple course sections are merged on one site.
  • Student – added by Registrar's Office. Most of the enrollees in the course will have student rights. They have only access to their own grades.