Import a Course

Quick steps:

  1. Select your course.
  2. Click Course Admin.
  3. Select Import/Export/Copy Components.
  4. Click the radio button for Import Components.
  5. Choose whether to import from a Learning Object Repository or from a backup .zip file you may have downloaded.
  6. Click the Start button.
  7. D2L will download the file and read the package; a green check mark will note success.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. Select the components you wish to import by checking the box.
  10. Click Continue. Components to Import will be displayed.
  11. Click Continue. Green check marks will indicate success.
  12. Click Finish. You will see a success message.
  13. Click Done.

You can import courses from a D2L Brightspace export file using this tool. You can also import components created in other learning management systems, provided by content vendors, or created in a content creation program (like Respondus). To import components, you must have a file containing the components in a format supported by the Import tool.

Course Copy is the preferred tool when copying a course from semester to semester because all elements of the course will be identical, minus student data. The export/import tools are useful when sharing a course with another instructor or importing to another system. Some of the elements lost in the import process that are not lost in the course copy process include: Release conditions, active Course Homepage, custom widgets, and active Theme.