Subject to Licensing Review

What does "Subject to licensing review" mean?

D2L has put into place a cost structure for using the D2L Brightspace platform for non-credit courses whose users log in three or more times per year. MSU IT has heavily subsidized this cost to support colleges in offering non-credit learning experiences. Still, it requires partnership to ensure that we can sustain these offerings across the institution.

Is my course subject to licensing review? (FAQ)

A: Non-credit courses with an active user base, unless the course has a $0 cost to users.

A: An active user is any participant enrolled in the course offering who has accessed the course space three or more times within the current year.

A: Non-credit course offerings are subject to licensing review, while Communities and Development courses are exempt. Professional Development courses are not currently subject to review; however, MSU IT reserves the right to revisit this if deemed necessary.

A: Beginning on or after July 1, 2024, MSU IT will charge colleges and units $2 per non-credit enrollment unless the course has a $0 cost to users.

A: An account and sub-account number are required to create a Non-credit or Professional Development course. MSU IT will use this information to collaborate directly with the colleges when billing is necessary. MSU IT will bill charges for non-credit D2L enrollees annually, with the first bill in August 2025.

A: Courses are charged annually for the total number of actively enrolled participants that year. This calculation is not based on a participant's initial enrollment date but rather on whether they have accessed the course three or more times within the annual billing cycle.