REQUIRED: Turnitin Syllabus Statement

The statement below should be included in the course syllabus ONLY if TurnItIn will be used during the term identified. If use of the service is no longer a part of the course, you MUST remove the statement below from the syllabi where the service will not be used.

The following information MUST appear on a course syllabus or assignment instructions if Turnitin is used in the course. These paragraphs may supplement existing statements about academic integrity included on the syllabus.

Consistent with MSU’s efforts to enhance student learning, foster honesty, and maintain integrity in our academic processes, instructors may use a tool called Turnitin to compare a student’s work with multiple sources. The tool compares each student’s work with an extensive database of prior publications and papers, providing links to possible matches and a “similarity score.” The tool does not determine whether plagiarism has occurred or not. Instead, the instructor must make a complete assessment and judge the originality of the student’s work. All submissions to this course may be checked using this tool.

Students should submit papers to Turnitin Assignments without identifying information included in the paper (e.g., name or student number), the system will automatically show this information to faculty in your course when viewing the submission, but the information will not be retained by Turnitin. Other optional statements to include based on retention choices instructors set up: Student submissions will be retained in the global Turnitin repository. Student submissions will be retained only in the MSU repository hosted by Turnitin. Student submissions will not be retained beyond the initial comparison.

Depending on the professor's choice of how to use Turnitin, one of the following statements should be added as well:

  • Student submissions will be retained in the global Turnitin repository.
  • Student submissions will be retained only in the MSU repository hosted by Turnitin.
  • Student submissions will not be retained beyond the initial comparison.