Importing Scoring Office Grades Into the D2L Gradebook

In order to import your Scoring Office grade into D2L follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to your Desire2Learn course and click on your course name.
  2. Navigate to Grades.
  3. Click the Enter Grades tab and then the Import button.Enter Grades - Import tabs
  4. The Import Grades screen displays.
  5. Click the Choose File button.Import Grades screen
  6. Select the D2L Report (.csv) file you created from Instructor Tools (found in Custom Reports).
    NOTE: If you select the Item Creation box, D2L will create a new grade item when it encounters a new item in the imported file.
  7. D2L will notify you if there are unrecognized usernames in the list you are trying to import. Repair or ignore them and continue the process.
  8. Finally, a preview of your import displays. Click Import to complete the import to the D2L gradebook.

Watch our video tutorial on Uploading Grades to D2L from a Spreadsheet for complete step-by-step instructions.